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Bible OL is highly addictive!
After I posted this, Ole asked me specifically to quote him verbatim:
"...jeg bestod! Og det gjorde jeg ene og alene, fordi BibleOL er intet mindre end genialt og fordi Nicolai Winther-Nielsen umiddelbart er det mest dedikerede menneske på planeten (med en mail-svartid på ca. 5 minutter lige meget hvornår på døgnet man skriver...)."
In English:
"... I passed. And the only reason I passed is that Bible OL is no less that geniusly designed and that Nicolai Winther-Nielsen by the look of it is the most dedicated person on this planet - his response time on replies is about 5 minutes no matter at what time day or night one writes..."
I am of course flattered by this undeserved praise, but I do believe that the virtual presence of the facilitator at the rigth time and place - what we call the khairos in Persuasive Design theory - is essential.